Board of Education Special Meeting

January 27, 2015 4:30 PM

Hayes Center High School




I. Call to Order - President Broz called the meeting to order at 4:30 P.M.

I.A. Roll Call - Present:  Connie Brott, Aaron Broz, Toby Cox, Dexter Lacey, Andrea Richards.  Absent:  Joe Anderjaska.  Also present: Superintendent Ron Howard and Principal Tony Primavera.

President Broz led the Pledge of Allegiance.

President Broz notified those in attendance of the Open Meetings Act poster.

II. Action Items  

II.A. Review of prior meetings, and approval (optional) – No action or discussion.

II.B. Determine whether to notify the Superintendent that the Board will consider the cancellation or non-renewal of his employment contract; to discuss entering into negotiations for the buyout of the employment contract and other matters involving the Superintendent's contract.  

Motion Passed:  Motion to enter into executive session to protect the public interest in regard to negotiations of the Superintendent's contract passed with a motion by Cox and a second by Brott. 

Joe Anderjaska            Absent

Connie Brott              Yes

Aaron Broz                Yes

Toby Cox                  Yes

Dexter Lacey              Yes

Andrea Richards           Yes

The board entered executive session at 4:37 P.M.

Motion Passed:  Motion to exit executive session at 5:25 P.M. passed with a motion by Cox and a second by Lacey. 

Joe Anderjaska            Absent

Connie Brott              Yes

Aaron Broz                Yes

Toby Cox                  Yes

Dexter Lacey              Yes

Andrea Richards           Yes

Motion Passed:  Motion to accept the resignation of Ron Howard passed with a motion by Broz and a second by Lacey. 

Joe Anderjaska            Absent

Connie Brott              Yes

Aaron Broz                Yes

Toby Cox                  Yes

Dexter Lacey              Yes

Andrea Richards           Yes

II.C. Discuss and determine whether to organize a committee to meet with other school districts regarding a co-operation agreement for athletics and other extra-curricular activities and to appoint members to that committee.    

Motion Passed:  Motion to establish a committee to explore options for sports with surrounding schools passed with a motion by Cox and a second by Broz. 

Joe Anderjaska            Absent

Connie Brott              Yes

Aaron Broz                Yes

Toby Cox                  Yes

Dexter Lacey              Yes

Andrea Richards           Yes

Discussion: Broz stated that the committee would look at all options and it does not necessarily mean a co-op. Richards agreed that this is especially needed for boys next year. Broz asked Primavera to be a part of this process.

Cox and Lacey agreed to serve on the committee with Primavera.

II.D. Discuss the student incentives list and determine three to five items to pursue the possibility of implementing.  Direct an individual or committee to explore the feasibility of implementing the determined incentives.  

Brott and Richards provided a list of incentives to the Board.

College tuition reimbursement - Richards commented on the possibility of increasing the number of credit hours to be paid from 6 per year to 12.  Students could leave HS and enter college as a sophomore.

Preschool - Richards asked about changing Preschool to Tuesdays and Thursdays for full days to enable bus service.  Staffing and scheduling would need to be studied. 

Bussing – Cox felt we need to study our current bussing and determine the distance we should go to pick up option students.

Brott recommended we focus on incentives that are academically based - tuition reimbursement, HAL, John Baylor and Ag program incentives.

The Committee will put together a final list to be voted on at the February meeting. 

II.E. Any other business appropriately before the Board - None

II.F. Meeting adjourned - President Broz adjourned the meeting at 5:37 P.M.











These are a full draft of the minutes that will be considered for approval at the next regular Board meeting.